Refractive Errors

Refractive Errors

Refractive Errors
Refractive error occurs when the optical component of the eye does not focus light correctly on to the retina. Symptoms such as blurred vision, eye strain, eye pains or headache may be experienced.

Myopia occurs when near objects appear clearly focused, but objects far away appear out-of-focus (blurry).

Hyperopia is when closer objects appear out-of-focus than far objects. However, some people with hyperopia may not notice any problems with their vision, especially when they are young since they exert much accommodation to see near objects clearly. Such people may start experiencing eye pains or headaches after prolong near tasks.

Astigmatism is a condition in which the eye does not focus light evenly onto the retina due to curvature of the cornea or lens. This can cause images to appear blurry and distorted.

Presbyopia is an age-related condition where the eye loses it focusing ability and it becomes more difficult to read at close distance. This normally occurs after age 40.