Common Eye Diseases

Common Eye Diseases

Common Eye Diseases
Any person who is uncertain about his or her eye condition should seek our licensed eye doctors’ advice. At MK Eye Center, we are always ready to provide you with the best care available. Regular eye exams should provide the basis for maintaining a healthy eye; as some of the serious eye diseases do not have any visible early warning symptoms.

Conjunctivitis is the inflammation or swelling of the conjunctiva (a thin transparent layer of tissue that lines the surface of the sclera and the inner surface of the eyelids). Some forms of conjunctivitis are highly contagious and can spread easily. Conjunctivitis can be caused by allergy, microbial, chemicals or trauma.

Dry Eye occurs when the eye is unable to produce sufficient tears to lubricate the eye. This may result in burning sensation, gritty feeling or eye irritation.

Pterygium is a growth of the conjunctiva that covers the white part of the eye and grows towards the central part of the cornea. Too much exposure to UV can trigger the growth of pterygium.

Cataract is the clouding of the crystalline lens in the eye. This can interfere with normal vision, depending on the size or location of the cataract.

Glaucoma is a group of disease that damage the optic nerves of the eye leading to irreversible blindness. Early detection and continuous management of this disease can result in better prognosis and vision preservation.